Porodična firma “DAG-CO” DOO VOGANJ počela je svoju privrednu delatnost početkom ovog veka kao mala manufaktura. Godine 2001. počinje sa proizvodnjom gornjih delova obuće u iznajmljenom prostoru kada zapošljava 20 radnika. Od tog perioda beleži stalni rast i unapređenje proizvodnje gornjih delova obuće, tako da 2006. godine broji 80 zaposlenih radnika. Iste godine napravljen je novi objekat u koji se seli celokupna proizvodnja.Od tog perioda, svake godine broj radnika se uvećavao, da bi polovinom 2018. godine u fabrici bilo zaposleno 350 radnika, koji celokupnu proizvodnju rade za izvoz. Godišnje sa proizvodnih traka izađe preko 350.000 pari obuće.
Od osnivanja 23.03.2001. godine, naša kompanija radi isključivo za izvoz i konstantno je povećavan obim proizvodnje i broj zaposlenih. Postojeći proizvodni i skladišni prostor postao je nedovoljan, tako da je krajem 2017. godine kupljen plac veličine 32.848 m², na kom završena izgradnja nove proizvodne hale kapaciteta 4.400 m², i koja zadovoljava sve standarde u industriji obuće.
Naše preduzeće se bavi uslužnom proizvodnjom gornjih delova obuće za dve poznate evropske kompanije: “MEINDL” I “HAIX”, obe sa sedištem u Republici Nemačkoj, koje gotov proizvod plasiraju na tržišta Evrope, SAD, Kanade i Australije. U pitanju je specijalna vrsta obuće za potrebe vojske, policije, vatrogasaca, planinara, napravljena uglavnom od kože i GORE-TEX vodootpornog i nepropusnog materijala. Da bi se ista obuća proizvela potrebno je da fabrika poseduje sertifikat GORE-TEX, koji pored nas u Srbiji poseduje samo još jedno preduzeće. Naša fabrika takođe ima iskustvo u proizvodnji drugih vrsta obuće, koje smo izrađivali u saradnji sa renomiranim evropskim kompanijama, “DIADORA” i “MEPHISTO”, za koje smo pored izrade gornjišta, montirali i gotov proizvod.
Osnovna stvar kojom se ponosimo jeste kvalitet naših proizvoda. Naša dugoročna strategija je stalno podizanje kvaliteta, praćenje i uvođenje tehničko-tehnoloških inovacija u proizvodnji kao i širenje delatnosti.
Glavni cilj naše kompanije je zadovoljstvo kako naših partnera, tako i naših zaposlenih koji učestvuju i doprinose zadovoljavanju svih zahteva u pogledu kvaliteta, količina i rokova isporuke naših proizvoda. Ovaj cilj moguće je postići samo stalnim ulaganjem u ljudske resurse, unapređivanjem uslova rada i investiranjem u nove mašine i tehnologije, čemu smo mi u potpunosti posvećeni.
The family company “DAG-CO” DOO VOGANJ began its business at the beginning of this century as a small manufacturing enterprise. In 2001, it began producing footwear in a rented space where with only 20 employees. From that period there was a steady growth and improvement in the production of footwear, and by 2006 the business had grown to 80 employees. That same year, a new facility was built, moving the entire production to a larger property. The company began growing every year, the number of workers were increasing. This increase resulted in 350 workers being employed by the middle of 2018, ensuring smooth production, and allowing over 350,000 pairs of footwear to be created annually from production lines.
Since foundation (23rd of March 2001), our company has always been export-oriented, distributing shoes all over the world and constantly increasing the volume of production and the number of employees to supply the increased demand. Considering that the existing production and warehouse space became insufficient, at the end of 2018 a 32.848 m² building was purchased, with a new production hall that holds a capacity of 4,400 m² and meets the highest standards in the footwear industry.
Our company is engaged in the production of footwear for two famous European companies; “MEINDL” and “HAIX”, both headquartered in Germany. This puts the finished product on the EU market, USA, Canada and Australia. This is a special type of footwear created for the needs of the army, police, firefighters and mountaineers. It is predominantly made from leather, GORE-TEX waterproof and non-permeable materials. In order for the footwear to be produced, it is necessary that the factory owns a GORE-TEX certificate, which, beside us in Serbia, only one other company has been certified. Our factory also has experience in the production of other types of footwear, which we produce in cooperation with renowned European companies, “DIADORA” and “MEPHISTO”. For these, besides creating only upper portions of footwear, we are assembling the entire product.
What we are most proud of is the quality of our products. Our long-term strategy is the continuous improvement of quality, monitoring and introduction of technical and technological innovations in production, as well as expansion of the business.
The main goal of our company is to ensure the satisfaction of both our partners and our employees. These are the individuals who ensure all requirements regarding the quality, quantity and deadlines for delivery of our products are met to perfection. This goal can only be achieved through continuous investment in human resources, improving working conditions and investing in new machines and technologies, to which we are fully committed.